Anita Saarkessian

Anita Sarkeesian has been a Canadian and American feminist media critic for more than 20 years. She's also an accomplished public speaker. She founded Feminist Frequency, a site which features video and posts analyzing the portrayals of females in pop media. Anita Sarkeesian has been a media critic, blogger and award-winning feminist for nearly a decade. Feminist Frequency is a non-profit educational website which investigates representations of women in popular culture narratives. Committed to destroying the stereotypes that are associated with women in pop media, she is also working with issues that relate to the harassing women targeted by the media and different classes of individuals online. A graduate in political and social thought at York University Sarkeesian is also an extremely sought-after public speaker and she has delivered speeches at TEDxWomen XOXO Festival as well as at The United Nations' Broadband Working Group on Gender. When she was a student at the university Sarkeesian was interested in the issues surrounding gender and rights for women at an early stage. Someone who hoped to create a web series that examined the representation of gender in video games was targeted in the internet campaign. But the assault did be a deterrent, but it was a boost to her determination to be a feminist media critic. Numerous awards have been given to her for all of the contribution she has have made. Anita Sarkeesian has been a journalist for a long time and is the founder of Feminist Frequency. The educational non-profit explores the role of women in pop culture narratives.

 Anita Saarkessian  Anita   Saarkessian Anita  Anitra Mecadon Anitra


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